Today is the day dedicated to respect and honor women. Traditional customs include husbands and boyfriends gifting their beloved significant others with flowers, chocolates and taking them out on dates, sons expressing gratitude to their mothers, grandmothers, and sisters, corporations and public institutions honoring their female employees, etc. Although these customs do represent certain virtues the Day itself has deeper and political meaning to it. Before March 8 became the official International Women’s Day there were several events that contributed to its establishment including:

  • National Woman’s Day in New York City, USA – February 28, 1909
  • International Socialist Women’s Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark – August 26 – 27, 1910
  • International Women’s Day demonstrations in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland – March 19, 1911
  • International Woman’s Day strikes strike in Russia, March 8, 1917

The common subject between these events is public disobedience, or to be more exact: women fighting for their rights. And they came a long way since it all began almost 2 centuries ago. Hundreds of years have been spent to get to the point where we are today when women can finally enjoy their suffrage rights, equality, emancipation, empowerment, and freedom in many different areas of their lives. This is the most important symbolism of International Women’s Day and its celebration should serve as a reminder and commemoration of all the women that were fighting for the same cause.


Nowadays the situation may not be perfect regarding the position of women in our society. But it is incomparably better than it was only one hundred years ago. There is a lot of work left in the domain of women’s rights but at least we know that IT CAN BE DONE. In the end, all the struggles pay off. The sacrifice of our women ancestors was worth it. The results achieved need to be appreciated, protected, and remembered. And that is the main purpose of International Women’s Day. Gifted flowers are just the cherry on top while all that truly matters lies below.

Happy Women’s Day to all the women on this planet and beyond!

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