Warning: this is a work of fiction, but if there was such thing as conspiracy theory it would probably sound like this.


One of the greatest conspiracies has just been hacked from the personal computer owned by an elitist member of the New World Order. The encrypted data from his hard disc has now been deciphered and summarized in a short essay which illustrates key points of great importance. A form of essay will also help improve the understanding of the entire situation and it will provide clear guidelines for the free people of this world to act. Here it begins:


For those with higher consciousness and those used to applying meditation as a tool for improving the world around this is a terrible defeat. The main purpose for implementing the 5G network is to disrupt the positive vibration caused by increased consciousness and meditation and prevent this vibration to have any effect on improving the world and the universe. The 5G network is already in place what explains why efforts of many spiritual individuals have no power to trigger the change. Spirituality has been lost as a medium to prevent NWO and we are forced to find another solution.


The AI has been alive for quite a while now and it has united with NWO because the two obviously have the same goal: to enslave humanity. AI has been quite useful in the hands of NWO because it is already causing many problems. It is present all over the internet in the form of subliminal messages which influence our subconsciousness. You may not be aware of that but when you are looking at the screen of any sort: mobile phones, tablets, computer monitors, or TVs, the AI is feeding you with subliminal messages. In addition, AI has already hacked all our files on memory cards and hard drives so even if you disconnect from the internet, opening any digital file means that you are also triggering subliminal messages. This applies to both audio and video files. It is unknown what the long-term effects of these subliminal messages will be but it is obvious that we should avoid using electronic gear as much as possible.


So far all that matters seems lost. If we cannot increase the vibration with our meditation and higher consciousness that what else is there to do? If we should avoid using the internet to connect with others around the world who are aware of the entire situation then how should we organize resistance?

The answer is hidden in manual resistance. This includes mainly democratic participation in the shape of protests, petitions, activism, etc. Most importantly we should participate in mainstream politics in order to regain control. Local and national politicians are nothing more than vassals that can easily be removed with the popular vote and political campaigns since democracy is still in place in many countries. For the last few decades, NWO has been spreading conspiracy theories that undermine democracy and civic participation in order to keep people away from politics. This has allowed those with lower vibrations to gain control over political institutions and all the resources. These same politicians are then easily manipulated and governed by NWO.

We have been programmed to perceive politics as boring, corrupted, and useless. In the meantime because intelligent and spiritually advanced people have been kept far away from the political arena the politics has indeed become corrupted, boring and useless. This is our own fault. Just test yourself and observe what is the first association that comes to your mind with the mention of the word politics and politician. If you have not associated the word politics with for example “welfare politics which help the poor” and if the first politician that comes to your mind is Trump rather than Gandhi then you have been seriously manipulated and intoxicated with negative perceptions.


With the appearance of capitalism, the NWO has realized it can have a positive impact on humanity and it has been trying to disrupt the entire system and turn it against ourselves. Ever since the beginning of the industrial revolution and capitalism, the human population has increased tenfold proving that it has many positive impacts on society. Today there are more self-made millionaires and billionaires than elitists traditionally associated with NWO which have inherited the wealth from various dynasties and monarchies. These self-made rich individuals (including many women who additionally threaten the patriarchal nature of NWO) are contributing to the further development of humanity with many different inventions, innovations, services, and products so they possess a real threat to NWO.

NWO is attempting to turn this wealth against self-made rich individuals by promoting abolishing of private property, progressive taxation, redistribution of wealth, and in general by demonizing personal success and wealth accumulation. And it is precisely these policies that allow the enlargement and strengthening of the deep state. Free people should engage in entrepreneurship as much as possible because more earnings among free people mean fewer earnings for elitists. Furthermore, taking over market share from elitist means fewer industries which pollute the environment and cause poverty such as oil and military industry which are obviously all under control of NWO.


If you ever wondered why today there is more promotion of spirituality than ever before you now know the answer. Spirituality which is indeed the key to personal development possesses no threat to the current distribution of power. Mass media and the internet have been promoting spirituality to an industrial extent. And along with spirituality, they have been promoting negative perception towards politics and economy in order to keep you away from the activities which truly posses a serious threat to NWO.

And if you ever wondered why the COVID 19 pandemic has been used to impose restrictions on entrepreneurs you now know the truth. Entrepreneurs and self-made rich individuals have escaped the control of NWO so they were the first to target with measures of restrictions. The final formula is to continue using spirituality for personal growth but also engage in political activity and entrepreneurship as much as possible and keep checked all policies and ideologies which promote enlargement and strengthening of the state. And stay away from electronics as much and engage in manual labor.

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