There are quite a few reasons why this debate should be prioritized on everyone’s watchlist. Besides featuring Slavoj Zizek and Joran Peterson – two great names that speak for themselves, the chosen topic was “Happiness: Marxism vs Capitalism”. Despite prevailing bad critics that emerged after the debate there is quite a lot to learn.

Nowadays these two terms which represent two opposing political ideologies can be applied all too easy among both general public and professionals without proper critical insights of their complex depth. This becomes even more evident when each ideology is applied in order to achieve happiness – another extremely complex concept from both psychological and sociological perspective.

No matter which ideology you stand for it is always wise to consider different opinion. One of the values I am trying to promote on this blog is “Rethinking, reinventing and continuously critically challenging established framework of beliefs and values.” The best way to achieve this is to have a clash of differing views. With Peterson born and raised in western world – Canada, and Zizek originating from a socialist country which made a transition – Yugoslavia/Slovenia just the notion of placing them in the same room promises a good intellectual battle.

With time the debate turns into a sort of endorsement with debaters expressing their agreement and even fascination to a certain extent for different arguments and insights brought up by their opponent. Their occasional lack of focus on opposing opinions and addressing them with counterarguments only proves that these two individuals truly represent the greatest minds of humankind that are currently alive. Regardless of their established authority the two have showcased, whether they are aware of it or not, the continuous hunger for new knowledge and learning; a characteristic of high intellectuals.

Perhaps this was not the greatest debate of 21 century as popularly announced across world media. Perhaps there was not enough focus and heat generated around the headlined topic. In addition, human expectations can be completely misleading especially when it comes to such complex topics. But what we witnessed here was two of the greatest engaging into a deliberate discussion about how to make a world better place and humans’ happier beings with all the lessons science and history have to offer. And all of that despite Zizek’s insistence and openness regarding his own pessimism.  

Believe in the power of communication between people with different views… If you are leftist do not feel obliged to feel politically correct…. Greatest conversations are unfinished ones… What are your conclusions after watching the debate for the first time? Did your conclusions change after watching it for the second time? It is perfectly ok if they did.

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