Today is Greta Thunberg’s 18th birthday. Yes she just barely turned 18 and most of us have a feeling she has been around forever. That is because she has been an activist since she was only 14 and in the meantime she managed to achieve more than majority of us will achieve through our entire life. Yes we know she still has a lot to learn but then again…SHE ONLY TURNED 18 for heaven’s sake!

Greta’s approach to solving climate crisis may seem radical at first but when compared to advocates for abolishing slavery and providing women’s voting rights of the day, it becomes clear that it is us being radical about not believing that change is possible. Take into consideration that Greta is young, there are years of life ahead of her, there is a scientific consensus about planet that is increasingly dying under our influence while the world sits and does nothing. Is there anything else meaningful to do other than urge for a radical shift among both citizens and policy makers?

Each movement for change needs an image of its its iconic hero and so does environmental movement. Greta has voluntarily stepped into that role. We should appreciate her bravery and effort so let this post serve as a tribute for each case when Greta proved that IT CAN BE DONE:

Won a writing competition about the environment by Svenska Dagbladet – Swedish newspaper

Convinced her parents to lower the family’s carbon footprint by becoming vegan, upcycling, and giving up flying.

Motivated other school students for a strike movement which became known as Fridays for Future

Delivered a speech at United Nations’ Climate Change Conference and since then massive student strikes began taking place everywhere around the world

Brought inspiration among the young people which became known as “Greta Thunberg effect”

Perhaps the most important fact is that Greta’s rise inspired many younger generations to speak up, have their voices heard and influence inclusion of young into policy debates concerning environment – hopefully this causes a spillover effect in other policy areas in the near future. And she did all of that despite struggling with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Aspergers syndrome ever since she was 11. After all of this there is not much to say other than… HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRETA! Thank you for everything you have have done so far for humankind and its home Planet Earth…

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